奥罡 Orgonite 是一种与奥罡宇宙(Orgone Energy)相关的装置,通常由三个主要元素组成:有机材料 + 金属 + 水晶。据说奥罡有神奇的治疗效果,可作用于精神和身体层面。一般以金字塔,圆形,方形或者任何不同的形状呈现,已满足不同人的偏好,同时达到更好的能量转换效果。
有机材料通常指环氧树脂 (Epoxy Resin),提供结构和稳定性。金属则具有吸收和放大能量的功效。水晶则被认为有自身的能量场,并与奥罡宇宙的能量互动。通过结合这三个元素,奥罡能够吸收、转换并释放能量,以平衡和提升人体或环境的能量场。
Experiments by scientists from the University of Malburg confirmed that Orgonite shows continuous positive effects in 20 areas of body-mind therapy. Later, scientist Ikolai Kozyrev's research also confirmed the existence of Orgone Energy. Additionally, Orgonite was used by the Soviet military for "torsion field" to strengthen defence systems.